Botanical Society of Lower Merion

The Botanical Society of Lower Merion
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Resources to help you find the right plant, to create a more wildlife and people friendly garden, and to guide you in removing invasive species.

Plant Fact Sheets
Invasive Plants
Park, Nature and Science Activities for You and Your Children

Rain Gardens and Wildlife Habitat
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Depression, obesity, and many other health concerns can be attributed directly to one thing: nature-deficit disorder. This unofficial diagnosis is a term coined and often used to describe the ill effects of a life indoors. Fortunately, the cure doesn’t cost a dime, and it’s right outside of your back door. If you are a parent with children, prevention is the best medicine, and the following resources can help you get outside and instill love of healthy living.
Getting to Know the Outdoors

There’s an entire world of nature just waiting to be discovered. From building a beehive to helping to pollinate the community to weather instruments kids can use to monitor the skies, these resources can help your children learn about their natural world.

Outdoor Fun and Fitness

Fun and fitness are easily combined when you add the outdoors. Here are some links to inspire your children’s outdoor adventures.

You don’t have to let your children grow up in a world where they see more ceiling than sunshine. Use the ideas above to get everyone in your home outdoors for a healthier life.